How long should I lie on the MediCrystal mat and at what temperature level?

There are general guidelines in our user guide, but the time and temperature are for you to choose. Some medical conditions require one hour, whereas some folks with weakness caused by hypothermia use it all the time to revive and feel well again. 

People use amethyst heating mats from one hour at a high temperature to 12 hours at a warm temperature for enjoyment. 

You can ask your doctor about your individual condition or try and see what works best. We always recommend starting at the lowest or medium temperature, levels 1-3 or 30-45°C, for short procedures of 20 to 30 minutes to see how your body reacts, and gradually increase the temperature and length of the procedure. 

Of course, if you are an experienced FIR sauna user, you can start at maximum temperature or even use the sandwiched-between-two-mats procedure, but check with your doctor first and use common sense to avoid overuse.

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