Before you buy a mat
- Are MediCrystal heating systems EMF free or zero EMF?
- What is a “Healing crisis”?
- Can you use FIR amethyst mats at night on a bed, and how comfortable are they?
- How can hot stone mats improve health?
- Difference MediCrystal and Healthyline
- Are your mats flexible and bendable? Can I put it on a recliner, cover or wrap my body with one?
- I read about your LIFETIME TRADE-IN POLICY in the owner’s guide. How does it work? Can I exchange my mat for a new model?
- How would I obtain the optional PEMF and Photon/red light options?
- Can you recommended any literature on FIR Infrared, PEMF and other healing technologies?
- I see that sometimes you sell unpowered non-electric amethyst mats, do they have healing benefits?
- Best Items for Hands, Forearms, Neck, Shoulders, Upper Back
- Can I use the mat in my office chair?
- What is the difference between a mat and an far infrared sauna? Are there benefits over an infrared sauna?
- In which country are MediCrystal mats and pads made?
- I am EMF sensitive, can I sleep on the mat?
- What is the trial period and when I can return the mat for a full refund?
- Does the mat heat my body inside? How it can heat 3-6 inch deep? How long do I need to use it in order to detox?
- If I get a headache and feel dizzy after using a mat, what should I do?
- What is the advantage of FIR Sauna over FIR mat?