I have been using my MediCrystal Compact Mini Mat for almost a month. No matter how high I set the temperature, with a 3-D protector under me, I do not sweat and my body temperature does not go up. Can you tell me what I am doing wrong.

Larger mats as Professional or Compact Pro work faster for detox procedures as they are more powerful and have greater surface contact area.  

Mini mats are not the most efficient to cause sweating. But If you use them at high temperatures, if your body usually sweats in the sauna or when you do sports or work out, the Mini should work fine as well.

Use the thinner waterproof cover, drink a cup of hot tea, cover with a blanket, and preheat your Mini Mat to a maximum level, then lay on it and relax. 

Make sure you cover your body completely, except for your head, with a thick blanket. No other part of your body should be uncovered. You will sweat as if you were in a sauna for 30-45 minutes.

If your body is not familiar with training and you are not used to sweating. It is quite normal to take a month or so before you sweat for the first time. 

Just remember to hydrate your body before procedures either way and remember that cold refreshing drinks cool you down, whereas hot teas or herbal drinks help elevate your temperature.

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