PEMF devices, frequencies, intensities, brain waves
There is a lot of buzz on the internet about the advantages or disadvantages of different wave shapes, frequencies, intensities, the speed of poles changing, and others.
For the most part, it is a piece of standard marketing. But still, it is a good idea to review the devices and technologies presented in the market.
There are many devices for whole-body PEMF in the U.S. market, and they use frequencies up to 1000-10000 Hz with typical use of 1-30 Hz. Most of these devices offer variable frequencies and different pre-installed programs. Of course, we are also working on this, but our mats are primarily for hot crystal therapy, and there are many limitations compared with the dedicated PEMF devices mentioned below.
1. OMI Mat offers 1-30 Hz range
It has two auto programs and the possibility to adjust frequencies manually.
Auto Programs P1 or P2 each have a preset frequency.
P1 has a range of frequencies between 12 – 22 Hz. It pulses on each frequency for 7 seconds as it goes up to 22 Hz and down to 12 Hz. There is an 8-second pause before starting over again. It is considered an excellent setting to use in the morning or during the day.
P2 has a range of frequencies between 8 – 12 Hz. It pulses on each frequency for 7 seconds as it goes up to 12 Hz and down to 8 Hz. There is an 8-second pause before starting over again. It is a good option for an early evening or to relax.
Program P3
P3 offers the option of customizing time and frequency. You will have an additional step to select the desired frequency manually.
2. IMRS 2000, iMRS Omnium1 PEMF Mat with 1-15 Hz range
Other popular machines use the following sequence of frequencies:
15 Hz - 7.5 Hz - 3 Hz - 5 Hz
3. QRS 101 Homesystem, Quantron Resonance systems, QRS 101, QRS 101.2, QRS 101.4, QRS 101.5, QRS 101.5B, QRS 201 with 0.1 - 10.000 Hz range.
It is the most popular manufacturer in Europe. They have many patents for frequencies and three programs:
BASIS PROGRAM 3Hz, 22Hz, 500Hz, 750Hz, 1000Hz dominant frequencies present, 1000Hz through 10,000Hz subtly underlying the other frequencies The Basis program focuses on ion transport, especially protons, into the cells, thus stimulating cell metabolism & cellular communication. Red blood cell separation is also encouraged.
VITAL PROGRAM 0.1 Hz, 10Hz, 22Hz, 250Hz, 500Hz, 750Hz Dominant frequencies present, 750Hz through 10,000Hz subtly underlying the other frequencies
The Vital program is very similar to the Basis program; this program positively influences vitality. These frequencies focus on the activation of nitric oxide and oxygen to blood, tissues, and cells. Nitric Oxide is an oxygen carrier molecule and was awarded a Nobel Prize for its importance in cardiovascular health.
RELAX PROGRAM 0.3Hz, 1.5Hz, 3.0Hz dominant frequencies present through 1000Hz subtly underlying the other frequencies These frequencies focus on activating the parasympathetic nervous system. This program will positively influence deep relaxation, immune system stimulation, insomnia, and stress reduction, as well as red blood cell support for oxygen transport.
4) MRS 2000 Designo 0.5-30 Hz
It uses 0.5-15 Hz frequencies + Schumann Resonance Frequency 7.83 HZ, and it is higher harmonics which are 14.2, 20.8, and 27.3 Hz
5) Healthyline TAO-Mat uses only 7,83 Hz
It is similar to our hot stone mats but without a selection of different frequencies.
It uses only 7.83 Hz.
6) Bemer 3000 0.5-33 Hz
It uses several programs.
For sleeping 0.5-7 Hz
For active treatment, 10-33 Hz
7) EarthPulse 0.5-15 Hz
In my opinion, it is the most exciting and affordable device but mainly concentrated on low frequencies.
It works on 9.6 Hz ( but it is the most potent affordable device in the market with 1100 Gauss intensity, 1-2 electromagnets are enough for 1-2 people, or 4 pcs are used for a horse ).
It is entirely adjustable from 0.5 to 15 but usually used at 9.6 Hz or 14.3 Hz. Also, many programs are pre-installed.
A big difference from other PEMF devices is the EarthPulse uses electromagnets, not copper coils, to generate magnetic fields.
There are five brainwave states Gamma, Beta, Alpha, Theta, and Delta, which are frequency-specific.
Researches have shown that although one brainwave state may predominate at any given time, the remaining brain states are still present in the mix of brainwaves at all times at the trace levels in different minor areas of the brain.
When you awake from a deep sleep in preparation for getting up, the brainwave frequencies will increase from Delta to Theta and then to Alpha and finally into Beta.
So these brainwaves can be ranged from the most to the least activity, from the low-amplitude, high-frequency Beta / Gamma to the high-amplitude, low-frequency Delta.
These brainwaves correspond to the states of mind range from high arousal to deep, dreamless sleep.
GAMMA with 30-100 cycles a second
Gamma waves are generated by our brain when we get into the superstate of our mind.
This range of brain activity corresponds to the most alert state of mind when we fight or resolve serious problems or work over a difficult task with full attention. Gamma waves are associated with bursts of insight and high-level information processing. Sometimes it is called “an insight wave” because the most important ideas come when we are in this condition. If you suddenly fall in love and are ready to follow your partner to another part of the world, it means that your brain generates these waves with the highest frequencies.
BETA - THE WAKING CONSCIOUSNESS - from 14 to 30 cycles a second
When the brain is aroused and actively engaged in mental activities, it generates higher frequency beta waves of relatively low amplitude. Beta brainwaves correspond to an ordinary waking consciousness and a heightened state of alertness, logical and critical reasoning. These waves are essential for effective functioning throughout the day; they also can translate into stress, anxiety, and restlessness. We can describe the voice of Beta as being that nagging little inner critic that gets louder the higher you go into range. Beta waves are characteristics of an actively engaged mind. A person involved in an active conversation or intellectual work would be in beta. A debater would be in high beta. A person making a speech, a teacher, or a talk show host would all be in beta when doing their work. It is the mental condition of the effective resolution of different problems or focusing our attention on some information. Watching some films or gaming can also be associated with this brain activity. Therefore, with most adults operating at Beta, stress is today’s most common health problem.
ALPHA - THE DEEP RELAXATION WAVE - ranges from 8 to 14 cycles per second
Where Beta represented arousal, Alpha represents non-arousal. If an individual in the Beta state closes eyes, the Alpha activity will become predominant. Alpha brainwaves are slower and higher in amplitude. A person who has completed a task and sits down to rest is often in an Alpha state. A person who takes time out to reflect or meditate is usually in an Alpha state. A person who takes a break from a conference and walks in the garden is often in an Alpha state. It is a standard state of an awake but calm and relaxed mind. The voice of Alpha is your intuition, which becomes more transparent and profound the closer you get to the Alpha-Theta border, at 8Hz.
THETA - THE LIGHT MEDITATION AND SLEEPING WAVE - with a frequency range between 4 and 8 cycles a second
Theta brainwaves are of greater amplitude and slower frequency. They correspond to the state of mind between dreaming and being alert.
A person who begins to daydream is often in a theta brainwave state. Driving on a freeway and discovering that you can't recall the last miles is usually in a theta state induced by the tedious process of freeway driving and a good sign that you should stop and get some rest. It is typically a very positive mental state with many ideas and insights. If you run outdoors and get in a state of mental relaxation with theta brainwave frequency, you may be prone to a flow of ideas. It can also occur in the shower or bathtub or even while shaving or brushing your hair. It is a state where tasks become so automatic that you can mentally disengage from them. It is at the Alpha-Theta border, at 8Hz, where the optimal range for visualization, mind programming, and using the creative power of your mind begins. It’s the mental state where you consciously create your reality. At this frequency, you are conscious of your surroundings. However, your body is in profound relaxation. Low theta at five cycles a second is a deep meditation state.
DELTA - DEEP SLEEPING WAVE - typically centers around a range of 0.5 to 4 cycles per second
The final brainwave state is Delta. Deep, dreamless sleep would take you down to the slowest frequency, 2 to 3 cycles a second. When we go to bed and read for a few minutes before attempting to sleep, we are likely to be in low Beta. When we put the book down, please turn off the lights and close our eyes; our brainwaves will descend from Beta to Alpha, Theta, and, finally, when we fall asleep, to Delta.
It is a well-known fact that humans dream in 90-minute cycles. When the Delta brainwave frequencies increase into the spectrum of theta brainwaves, active dreaming takes place. When rapid eye movement ( REM phase ) starts, even Alpha, Beta brain activity can be detected mainly in the front cortex zones where the visual processes are concentrated. Typically, active REM dreaming does not last long, only from 10 to 20 minutes, in total 4-5 times during all night and separated by long 1-1.5 hours of deep, dreamless sleeping with delta activity.
We observe low delta brain activity at 0.5-2 cycles per second during transcendental meditation, where awareness is fully detached. It is the realm of the unconscious mind and is very important for the healing process and regeneration. Deeper and better sleep - more self-healing processes take place in your body, allowing you to rest and recover.
Sleep spindles or sigma waves in a frequency of a high alpha range of 10-14 Hz and duration of 0.5 seconds have been detected even during dreamless sleeping.
It is believed that spindles actively participate in the overnight consolidation of declarative and long-term memory through the reconsolidation process. The density of spindles has been shown to increase after extensive learning of declarative memory tasks, and the degree of increase in stage 2 spindle activity correlates with memory performance. Recent research has revealed that spindles distort the transmission of auditory information to the cortex and isolate the brain from external disturbances during sleep. They initiate reactivation, an essential part of long-term memory consolidation that improves later recall performance. Spindles play a crucial role in both sensory processing and long-term memory consolidation.
Interestingly, women tend to have twice as many sleep spindles as men, and a female advantage has been found for episodic, emotional, and spatial memories and recognition of odors, faces, and pictures. Fishes, reptiles, and other non-mammals do not have these spindles, but most animals sleep with only half of their brains.
By the way, our automatic programs include "sleep spindle emulation technology."
We can also compare the brainwaves while driving:
GAMMA - a competitive auto race with high speeds and difficulties demands the maximum driver concentration. But it also may be achieved by street racers unconsciously leading their brains to maximum possible activity but risking their lives.
BETA - a country road alert but calm and safe driving with full attention. But you can feel some emotions and be stressed by a reckless driver, and your rhythms may become unstable with other frequencies interfering.
ALPHA - short highway safe driving when you do not feel drowsy but feel calm. Many drivers turn on music to get more alert and move to the beta condition.
THETA - the repetitious nature of long highway drive induces THETA activity of the brain with a risk of
and falling asleep. A short break to sleep for half an hour or some coffee and music may move you to alpha or beta zones.
DELTA - dreaming drivers cause a lot of accidents. It sometimes happens with truck drivers during very long routes. Better to stop and sleep in the cabin and come home safe where the family is waiting.
There is a process of brainwave entrainment — a practice of causing brain waves to synchronize with an external stimulus. A lot of researches exist for the use of sound and magnetic field frequencies for brainwave entrainment.
Providing the brain with a PEMF signal within the Beta range (from 14 to 30 Hz), for instance, will likely cause a more significant portion of the brain to synchronize with that frequency, thus having an overall alerting effect for the body.
If we use 50-60Hz PEMF, it may cause an even higher activation effect moving the brain into the Gamma range ( 30-100 Hz ).
Contrary 8-10 Hz PEMF ( most popular ) is calming anti-stress therapy, moving the brain into the Alpha-Theta border at 8Hz. 8-10 Hz brain activity is associated with a calm and relaxed mind, meditation, creativity, and waking consciousness.
If we use lower frequencies as 2-5Hz PEMF, you may feel very relaxed and even fall asleep. Or you may still be fully aware and be in a very positive mental state with many ideas and insights. It may also be great for deep meditation.
If we go up to 10-15 Hz PEMF, we may induce Alpha-wave relaxation and Sigma waves spindles moderating our memory processes and dreaming.
Of course, it does not mean that the above works the same for everybody. Frequencies applied to the body, away from the brain, can still create brainwave entrainment. How well they entrain will depend on the receptivity of that particular body.
In addition to brainwave entrainment, PEMF therapy has a direct regeneration effect on the body cells membranes and other organs and tissues. It works well for bone fractures, and tendons accelerated repair, and for many other conditions. There is a lot of information about scientific studies on and in related literature. While some of the reviews point to the use of specific frequencies to help treat certain conditions, benefits may well happen across a much broader spectrum of frequencies. It depends mainly on PEMF intensity which should be enough to penetrate your body at least 5-6 inches deep and bring enough energy to stimulate cell repair processes. It is also preferable to provide the body with a range of frequencies as wide as possible so that you may pick and choose the one that works best for you.
It is also vital to follow Schumann resonances (SR), known as a natural set of spectrum peaks in the extremely low frequency (ELF) portion of the Earth's electromagnetic field spectrum. Schumann resonances are global electromagnetic resonances generated and excited by lightning discharges in the cavity formed by the Earth's surface and the ionosphere.
The fundamental mode is a standing wave in the Earth-ionosphere cavity with a wavelength equal to the Earth's circumference. This lowest-frequency (and highest-intensity) mode of the Schumann resonance occurs at a frequency of approximately 4.11 Hz ( Earth frequency ) and its higher harmonics 7.83 Hz ( fundamental ),14.3 Hz, 20.8 Hz, 27.3 Hz, 33.8 Hz, 60 Hz. All of these frequencies fluctuate around their nominal values and vary depending on geo-location and lighting activity. Real measurements show that these harmonics maybe 7.5-8 Hz, 14-15 Hz, 20-21 Hz, 26-27.5 Hz, 33-34 Hz.
So really, different frequencies are used for different types of therapies.
If we use 50-60Hz PEMF, it may cause a higher activation effect.
If we use 50-60Hz PEMF, it may cause a higher activation effect.
Contrary 8-10 Hz PEMF ( most popular ) is calming anti-stress therapy. 8-10 Hz brain activity is associated with a calm and relaxed mind, meditation, creativity, and waking consciousness.
If we use lower frequencies as 2-5Hz PEMF, you may feel very relaxed and even fall asleep. Or you may still be fully aware and be in a very positive mental state with many ideas and insights. It may also be great for deep meditation.
If we go up to 10-15 Hz PEMF, we may induce Alpha-wave relaxation and Sigma waves spindles moderating our memory processes and dreaming.
Of course, it does not mean that the above works the same for everybody.
Of course, it does not mean that the above works the same for everybody.
Frequencies applied to the body, away from the brain, can still create brainwave entrainment. How well they entrain will depend on the receptivity of that particular body and, of course, on the intensity of waves. Sometimes lower energies are preferable. Other folks do not feel anything less than hundreds of Gauss.
The most reliable by our opinion source of information about PEMF is Dr. Pawluk's website is not associated or affiliated with our company, and he even does not mention our devices in the promotional materials or comparative information.
Dr. Pawluk's book "Power Tools for Health: How Pulsed Magnetic Fields (Pemfs) Help You” is available on Amazon at or you can read an abstract free on Google Books at
Dr. Pawluk's book "Power Tools for Health: How Pulsed Magnetic Fields (Pemfs) Help You” is available on Amazon at or you can read an abstract free on Google Books at
Dr. Pawluk studied many years of clinical use of PEMF in Eastern Europe, where it is standard medical practice. He considers that the most critical feature of PEMF is not a frequency or a waveshape but intensity.
We agree with this point of view. Some strong arguments are supporting this opinion.
1. It is much more difficult, and you have to use much more expensive technology to build powerful PEMF systems. In our mats with the primary function of FIR crystal rays, the copper coils are hidden under the thick layer of crystals, and to be able to penetrate through and get into the body, we need to use powerful technics.
Usually, all thin PEMF mats in the market are very weak.
2. Many customers do not feel any benefits of low-intensity PEMF systems because even the medium-strong fields like 100-400 gauss on the coil's surface will go down to several gausses or even to mG with a distance of 6-8 inches. If we speak about mG ranges of intensity, if it falls below 50-100 mG, it becomes like white noise and maybe naturally suppressed by Earth's own magnetic field and, of course, will be zero if measured 3-4 inches from the coil. All magnetic fields lose power with distance as per reverse square law and go down to zero, but if you have initially high intensity, it will get deeper into the body.
By the way, the most potent affordable device currently available in the market is with 1100 gauss if put under the standard mattress of 10 inches thickness gives only ten gausses on the top.
There is a lot of information with claims of high or low gauss PEMF intensities for different devices and about the special PEMF testers with many thousands of US$ dollars values. We add into the sets a simple plastic vial with a small piece of magnetic metal inside. When you use it, it shows both the availability of PEMF and the frequency.
Another standard method to understand PEMF power is to check the coil's size and power consumption. 10W Coil cannot produce 10000 Gauss even on the surface.
There is a lot of information with claims of high or low gauss PEMF intensities for different devices and about the special PEMF testers with many thousands of US$ dollars values. We add into the sets a simple plastic vial with a small piece of magnetic metal inside. When you use it, it shows both the availability of PEMF and the frequency.
Another standard method to understand PEMF power is to check the coil's size and power consumption. 10W Coil cannot produce 10000 Gauss even on the surface.
3. There is a lot of marketing buzz around ideal “square” wave shapes, NASA studies, 7.83 Hz magic frequencies claimed to match the Schumann resonance first harmonic (which fluctuates from 7.8 to 8.5 Hz). Also, many manufacturers like to refer to minimal NASA studies.
But PEMF technology applications to health physiotherapy as a medical tradition came from the former USSR (Russia) and Eastern European countries to Korea and Japan and then to the West. In Russia, Poland, Romania, and later in Korea and Japan, many different PEMF waves and hundreds of device types are used for almost 50 years. Many clinical pieces of research took place, and millions of people get this kind of therapy like a routine. So-called “weak” PEMF devices are considered scams or more like magic devices there. Of course, there may be some bio-resonant effect in the place of contact between the coils and the body, but it will be weak.
We are the first company that developed the variable PEMF frequency devices integrated into the multifunctional Far Infrared heating mats.
Our MediCrystal mats are either customized to 4 frequencies: 4 Hz, 8 Hz, 10 Hz, 14 Hz (Controllers L-40V, L-40VA, L-40PV, L-40PVA) or use the totally adjustable 1-30 Hz controllers with 13 automatic programs (H-60PVA, H-60VA) changing PEMF frequencies every several seconds during all the duration of the program.
But again, we consider frequencies more as marketing buzz and work to increase the number of PEMF coils per mat, still keeping it safe. It is more important to provide full and uniform coverage with the magnetic fields for all the surfaces of the hot stone mat.
But again, we consider frequencies more as marketing buzz and work to increase the number of PEMF coils per mat, still keeping it safe. It is more important to provide full and uniform coverage with the magnetic fields for all the surfaces of the hot stone mat.
But the most important when you start to experience your mat is to understand how your body reacts to PEMF.
We know that some customers feel overstimulated with vibration feeling throughout the body if they use it for 15-20 minutes together with high heat, so we always recommend starting with several minutes of PEMF only and on low heat levels to see how it works for you and then gradually increase the length, intensity, and frequency of PEMF procedures.
When you know well how your body reacts, try PEMF together with FIR heat and other functions.
Enjoy and Be Healthy No Matter How Old You Are!