4-Gems Disks Bio-Magnetic and Purple MediCrystal mats PEMF & EMF Test Data

Summary of PEMF and EMF testing of Purple MediCrystal Amethyst Agate PEMF Photon mats and 4-Gems Disks Amethyst Tourmaline Jade Agate Ivory Croco Bio-Magnetic mats

Purple MediCrystal Amethyst Agate PEMF Photon mats and 4-Gems Disks Amethyst Tourmaline Jade Agate Ivory Croco Bio-Magnetic mats feature the same Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields System. 

These mats PEMF function allows selecting 4 Hz, 8 Hz, 10 Hz, or 14 Hz frequency of magnetic pulsation. (1 Hz = 1 pulse per second)

The mini mat has two PEMF coils; the midsize mat comes with six coils, professional and single-sized mats with eight PEMF coils positioned across two parallel lines extending from the feet zone to the logo area mat.

You can download the PDF file here—summary of PEMF and EMF testing of Purple MediCrystal Amethyst Agate PEMF Photon mats.

PEMF for different frequency settings over one coil

Researched by C.D. Lytle, Ph.D., in February 2020

Mat:  Purple MediCrystal Amethyst Agate PEMF Photon Mini Mat 20"x32."

Mat settings: PEMF On, Heat, and Photo Off

Controllers:  L-40PV-6 for 10 Hz or L-40PVA-6 50 for 4, 8, and 14 Hz 50 Gauss pulses

Magnetometer:  EMF Tester PCE-EMF823.  The quoted range is 30-300 Hz. However, careful, independent comparison indicated it was accurate down to at least 8Hz.

The range used:  0 - 20000 mGauss

The magnetometer was laid horizontally on the mat to reduce the effect of uneven surface.* Distance from PEMF coil to mat surface is unknown.

PEMF values for different frequency settings over the coil at 17.5 inches from the top of the heated mat

Frequency setting        Meter reading

Hz                                mGauss

4                                   3693

8                                   3530

10                                 3883

14                                 3863

Average                        3742

*The sensor of the magnetometer is located in the center of the top end of the meter. When the meter was placed horizontally, the sensor was actually 5/8” above the mat surface.


  1. Measured PEMF values were not significantly different for the different pulse frequencies. They were approximately 7.5% of the PEMF 50 Gauss rated value, presumably because of the distance and materials between the PEMF coils and the magnetometer sensor.

Profile of PEMF along the center length of the mat

Mat:  Purple MediCrystal Amethyst Agate PEMF Photon Mini Mat 20"x32."

Controller:  L-40PV-610 Hz,  50 Gauss pulses Mat settings: PEMF On, Heat, and Photo Off

Magnetometer:  EMF Tester PCE-EMF 823

The range used:  0 - 20000 mGauss

The magnetometer was laid horizontally on the mat to reduce the effect of uneven surface; the sensor was 5/8” (1.6 cm) above the mat surface.  Distance from PEMF coil to mat surface is unknown.

PEMF measurements made along the centerline of the mat, the distance measured from the top edge of the heated area

Distance from top         PEMF intensity

Inches                           mGauss     

0                                   50

2.5                                150

5                                   520

7                                  1465   

9*                                 3435

11                                  1090

13                                   92

15                                  735

17.5*                             3640  

20                                  845

23                                  245  

* Denotes PEMF peaks, presumably over PEMF coils spaced along centerline of mat


  1. PEMF levels dropped 60-80% from the peak value within 2 inches, 85-93% drop off within 4 inches.

Profile of PEMF across the mat

Mat:  Purple MediCrystal Amethyst Agate PEMF Photon Mini Mat 20"x32."

Controller:  L-40PV-610 Hz only   50 Gauss pulses Mat settings: PEMF On, Heat, and Photo Off

Magnetometer:  EMF Tester  PCE-EMF 823

The range used:  0 - 20000 mGauss

The magnetometer was laid horizontally on the mat to reduce the effect of uneven surface; the sensor was 5/8”  (1.6 cm) above the mat surface.  Distance from PEMF coil to mat surface is unknown.

PEMF measurements made along a line parallel to crystal tubes at the same distance measured from the top

Distance from top               PEMF intensity (mGauss)

(inches)                            Distances from the left side of the mat (inches)

2         5          7          9*           11        13        16

9                                  210     1025     1985      3413    1455       755       205

*position associated with apparent coil


  1. A significant drop of PEMF from maximum: 50% within 2 inches, 75% within 4 inches, not as severe as measured along the mat centerline.

PEMF measured at different heights over one coil

Mat:  Purple MediCrystal Amethyst Agate PEMF Photon Mini Mat 20"x32."

Mat settings: PEMF On, Heat, and Photo Off

Controllers:  L-40PVA-6, 14 Hz 50 Gauss pulses

Magnetometer:  EMF Tester  PCE-EMF823.

The range used:  0 - 20000 mGauss

The magnetometer was held horizontally on or over the mat

PEMF measurements above high PEMF value*

Height above mat surface         PEMF               Intensity drop off

Inches                                         mGauss               %

0                                                  3823

1                                                  1380                     64

2                                                   625                       84

4                                                   170                       95 

6                                                    30                        99

* measured at 17.5 inches from top of mat over second coil   


  1. PEMF value dropped off faster above the mat than along the mat surface.

Distribution of 100 mGauss PEMF over the mat

Mat:  Purple MediCrystal Amethyst Agate PEMF Photon Mini Mat 20"x32."

Mat settings: PEMF On, Heat, and Photo Off

Controllers:  L-40PV-6 for 10 Hz or L-40PVA-6 50 for 4, 8, and 14 Hz 50 Gauss pulses

Magnetometer:  TriField EMF Meter 100XE.  The range used:  0 - 100 mGauss

The magnetometer was held at measured distances above the mat.

Position above mat for 100 mGauss reading

Distance from               Distance from           Height above mat that read 100 mGauss         

top of mat                     right side of mat      

(inches)                        (inches)                       (inches)

5                                     4                                      7

9                                      8

14                                     7

9                                      4                                   10.5

9                                     7

14                                 10.5

13                                     4                                   6.5

9                                   8.5

14                                   6.5

17.5                                  4                                     8

9                                     8

14                                   8.5

22                                     4                                      9

9                                     5.5

14                                     8.5

Conclusion: There is a ‘cloud’ of 100 mGauss PEMF over at least half of the mat extending at least 5.5 inches above the mat surface.

Effectiveness of EMI (Electro-Magnetic Interception)

Mat:  Purple MediCrystal Amethyst Agate PEMF Photon Mini Mat 20"x32."

Mat settings: Heat On, PEMF, and Photon Off

Controllers:  L-40PV-6

Magnetometer:  Trifield EMF Meter 100XE, range used:  0.2 - 3 mGauss

The magnetometer was laid horizontally on the mat to reduce the effect of uneven surface.  Distance from heating elements to mat surface is unknown.

Position on the mat for EMF reading above 0.2 mGauss*

Distance from           Distance from        EMF reading          

top of mat                 left side of the mat      

(inches)                    (inches)                    mGauss

9                                 9                             1.6

13                               9                              1.6

17.5                            9                               1.6

* No readings over the mat were at or above 0.2 mGauss, the limit of detectability of the meter, except the “hot spots.”  In addition, when the heat setting was reduced, the readings over the “hot spots” immediately dropped to undetectable.


  1. Three ‘hot spots’ were located, all along the centerline of the mat.
  2. Two such ‘hot spots’ were approximately over the presumed PEMF coils.
  3. The third ‘hot spot’ was between the PEMF coils near the very low PEMF when the PEMF was turned on.
  4. The ‘hot spots’ relate to the safety sensors or bimetal switches functioning.

MediCrystal LLC is grateful to C.D. Lytle, PhD, for data collection, testing the mat, meticulously researching, and preparing this report!

Carl, thank you so much for your attention, time and assistance!

DISCLAIMER: MediCrystal® heated stone mats, pads, vests, belts, jackets, pillows, and other products are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, mitigate, or prevent any disease, illness, or medical condition or to substitute medical treatment of any kind or to affect the structure or any function of the body. MediCrystal® products are non-medical, non-medicinal, consumer, home-use appliances only for general comfort and well-being. We do not make any explicit or implied health or disease treatment/prevention claims for these products. These products and statements have not been evaluated or approved by the FDA. FDA registration of the manufacturer does not mean that the product is intended or recommended for medical use, treatment of any diseases or medical conditions, or can be a replacement or substitute for doctor’s advice, traditional therapy, or medical care. There are contraindications for other spas, magnetism, thermal sessions, or sauna use such as pacemakers, organ transplants, fever, acute infections and inflammation, pregnancy, mental disability, and others. Please consult with a physician before the use of these products. If you are immobilized, have any disease or health conditions, or take medicines, ask your doctor about how to use these products safely. Any information here is not a substitute for health professional advice and does not reflect or represent product claims. Specific medical advice should be obtained only from a licensed health care professional. All the data, specifications, and testing results are indicative and subject to change. They are not guaranteed to be errorless and are only for informational purposes. Any usage of these materials is allowed only with the written agreement of MediCrystal LLC. © All Rights reserved by MediCrystal LLC 2018.

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